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Where ERP Equals Your Competitive Advantage
Demystifying ERP Terminology 101

Demystifying ERP Terminology 101

How confusing is  jargon when beginning your search for the right ERP system? To help you navigate the acronyms and buzzwords, we polled our customers for their biggest initial stumbling blocks, and put them together in a “cheat sheet.” Our article, Demystifying ERP...
Getting Employees to Embrace CRM

Getting Employees to Embrace CRM

  As I referenced in my last blog post, CRM is an essential tool for businesses looking to utilize Big Data to its fullest extent. But in order for CRM to be effective, employees need to fully embrace it. As with any new technology, employees may be slow to adopt...
The Importance of CRM and Big Data

The Importance of CRM and Big Data

  As if businesses today don’t have enough to worry about, they also need to manage large amounts of information and data. “Big Data” refers to the massive amount of information that is now collected from both online and offline resources. Because organic growth...